Cobalt Consumer Index (7.6.22)
The following contains our view on the market and the interesting dynamics that inform our investing in consumer technology businesses
Revenue multiples for consumer internet public companies trade on a 6.3x multiple for the top 10 companies by EV/NTM and 2.1x on the overall median. On November 11th, 2021 - around the peak of our reporting for the consumer comps, the top 10 companies traded at a 17.5x median multiple, roughly ~2.5x where they currently trade.
Top 10 Companies by EV / NTM Revenue Multiple
Twitter has entered the Top 10 for the first time while Auto Trader continues to be the only consumer company trading above 10x on forward multiple. Mean and Median have dropped from 7.1x to 6.7x and 6.6x to 6.3x, respectively since our last report
Summary of All Multiples
Mean and Median have dropped from 2.7x to 2.5x and 2.3x to 2.1x, respectively
We value consumer businesses on a multiple of Last Twelve Months (LTM) and Next Twelve Months (NTM) revenue. Multiples shown are calculated by taking the Enterprise Value / NTM revenue. In addition, we separated multiples by time period and by growth rate. High growth businesses are growing 40% NTM revenue; Mid-growth businesses are growing 20% NTM revenue, and Low-growth are less than 20% growth rate.
Breakdown of Historic Multiples
Multiples by Category
We have separated the multiples and outputs by subsector. On the upper end, consumer social commands the highest EV/NTM multiples, while e-commerce commands the lowest multiples.
Multiples by Growth Category
Subsector Output
Please send any feedback or suggestions to
Written by Ben Futoriansky.
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